Going to the Winter Olympics

Growing up in the world of alpine ski racing, I've been extremely fortunate to experience the vast array of challenges, successes, hardships, highs, lows and "so-so's" that come with the sport. Not to forget the many places, people and personalities, that have shaped me into the athlete, and person, I am today. Through these experiences, 3 key lessons will stay with me forever.
- First, be thankful for every day and make use of it.
- Second, planning helps. Most of the time!
- Third, nothing is out of reach if you want it bad enough.
With these in mind, I'm now within a whisker of participating in the biggest event in skiing for a second time. I will be competing in the Giant Slalom and Super-G, in Russia in February 2014. There are still 3 months of training and competition until the games, which I am using to continually better myself as a ski racer in every aspect. This is where I need your help!
For the build-up, I have joined with my long-time coach Nils Coberger, and the athletes of the New Zealand and Australia National Ski Teams, for racing and training in Colorado and Europe.ÂÂÂ
Iâ€ââ€Å¾Â¢ve been so fortunate to have the support of many groups and individuals over the years, enabling me to train and compete at the highest level around the world, through multiple World Championship, World Cup and FIS level events, as well as the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. Successes have reached between New Zealand, North America and Europe, but it is this year that I have in fact reached my best level of skiing ever.ÂÂÂ
Those of you who followed in 2010 will know that I have unfinished business with the pinnacle event of ski racing , and it has been this fire that has driven me in 2014. You can be a part of this charge into Russia, by supporting me in my build-up!ÂÂÂ
The constant challenge for any ski racing athlete is to find the funding that enables them to meet their goals. I've had plenty of experience down this path, thatâ€ââ€Å¾Â¢s for sure! The budgeted cost of my program is over $30,000 NZD, covering aspects such as coaches fees and costs, accommodation, race entries, flights, insurance and food. It sure adds up!
Take a look at the rewards below - anysupport would be hugely appreciated!
Wednesday January 8, 2014 at 9:17PM.