European Cheerleading Championships!

European Cheerleading Championships!

Hi, my name is Estefanía. I'm a flyer in the all star cheerleading team "Toros All Stars" of Madrid (Spain). We are a level 5 team (Of 6 levels).

Fot those who have never heard about All Star cheerleading, It's not about shaking pompoms and cheering a football team, It's about compete against other teams with rutines of 2:30 min which include jumps, stunts, dancing and tumbling. It's trully a very hard sport.

In Spain, this sport isn't popular, it's just starting so we are only a few teams in all the country and we have no economic support to travel for competing.

Last year we were 3rd in the European Cheerleading Championships, which is our main competition of the year. This year it will be celebrated in Slovenia and that's why I'm here writing this to you: We need your help to travel there and compete so we can achieve our goal to win the European Cheerleading CHampionships this year.

We'll be so grateful with your contribution!


¡Dios mío!



Lamentablemente, a este proyecto no le fue tan bien como todos habíamos esperado, RIP
Sunday June 7, 2015 at 2:46AM.

Estefanía Bernal

AKA "Estefanía"

"I'm a flyer in the All Stars cheerleading team named Toros All Stars. We are from Madrid, Spain, and we are a level 5 team. Last year we were 3rd in the european cheerleading championships which this year will be celebrated in Slovenia. We're lookin ..."

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